Get creative with Solesmith

Get creative with Solesmith

Get creative with Solesmith

Here at Solesmith we are all very creative and imaginative (good job really, as it is kind of our job to be). So we wanted to share our creativity with you by creating some printable content for you and the little ones (monsters at times) to have fun with and express their creativity and imagination. 
During lockdown we have found new and existing heroes to be grateful for be it our local charity delivering fresh food to families struggling, or Mum's and Dad's going the extra mile for their children and family members. Of course the
biggest Heroes at the moment are the wonderful NHS staff and Nurses. 
Whoever your child's Hero is here is a mask for them (let your little ones print, cut out and colour in the mask) and then they can give it to their HERO!
Download your mask by clicking on the mask photo below


Why not go the full on hero from top to toe with some of our Mum and Dad Superhero gifts. Here are some of our favorite superhero (super mummy and super daddy's) gifts for you to view. We all love Heroes and all have them in our lives so let's shout out to them and say a huge thankyou whilst being creative with our little ones.
Just wanted to say a final BIG thankyou to all the heroes at the this time!
The heroes of 2020/2021 the NHS staff, the key workers keeping the country moving, Charities helping local communities and the NHS mental health workers supporting us through this difficult time. 


Stay Safe Everyone and keep being super heroes!
Jemma x


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