Today is a really exciting day at ALPHS HQ, we have just found out that we have been chosen as finalists for the Derby Telegraph Business Awards in the category for New Business of the Year!
We couldn't be more excited, this is the first awards that we have ever entered so are completely over the moon.
To celebrate we have put together a mini collection to celebrate... Here is ALPHS awards essentials (Click images to shop) :
I think we may have covered this one but it's a THANKS to everyone... the judges, the ALPHS team, our forever lovely and funny customers, everyone who has supported us.... Mum? God? (We'll work on the speech!)
And as we believe in always saying it with socks....(SHOP Thank you socks)
And as we believe in always saying it with socks....(SHOP Thank you socks)
And then celebrating... as a new business, working a lot of hours and living the ShedLife it can all get a bit difficult to track the successes... so we are taking this opportunity to give everyone a big pat on the back.
(Shop Alcohol Socks)
(Shop Alcohol Socks)
Okay, okay... Fizzy stuff it is!
Reality hits... we need to look great at the awards! Black Tie, sparkly dresses for girls, shiny shoes for boys....Here is ALPHS breakdown to our awards do essential attire...
a) So we are going for a nice personalised shirt with a hidden little date of when ALPHS first started (Shop Personalised Checked Shirt)
and a little bit of superhero luck hidden underneath! (Shop Superhero T-Shirt)
The Accessories
The little extras that make an outfit... the belt that makes sure you don't BUCKLE under the pressure. (Shop Belt)
Oops okay okay... the secret little bit of luck! (Shop Lucky Pants)

And then win or lose... be prepared for the next day! (Shop Do Not Disturb)

So loads of excitement here, we are really proud to be Derby born and bred and be building our company here! Good luck to everyone else (extra shout out to The Alphabet Gift Shop up for retail of the year awards - their cafe has kept us going with soup and a scone on many go days!)
The full list of Derby Telegraph Business Awards Finalists 2016 can be seen here: