How to Create the Perfect Cosy Book Nook!

How to Create the Perfect Cosy Book Nook!

If you’re a bookie, an avid reader, or you just love spending your ‘me-time’ escaping from the real world into Lily Blooms’ Flower Shop (yes, I still haven’t gotten over Colleen Hoover’s latest release It Starts With Us, - one of my favourite books!), you’ve probably spent some time daydreaming about curling up in an irresistibly cosy corner on your own with a mug of something lovely and warm and a shiny new book.
Having a special spot to read is not only important for focus (I’ve always been envious of those of you who can read at the kitchen table, in a loud and crowded café or on a jittery bus!), but a calm, cosy space prioritizes ‘me-time’, something we champion here!
So, the Solesmith Sock Stars have listed our ‘must-haves’ for you to create your own cosy book nook!
1. A Super Snug Space


First things first, as far as book nooks go, no sane person situates their book nook at a hard wooden table. They’re simply unnookable!!

So that you can spend hours getting lost in your favourite book, a snug space is essential, and I’m talking anything that allows you to get horizontal! Sofa’s, hammocks, beanbags, armchairs, pouffes, or even a cosy windowsill seat (something we all dream of having!) – whatever you pick, the key to finding the perfect book nook space is to prioritize comfort over anything else.

Personally, when I’m drifting off into Wonderland with Alice, I want an armchair with a wide seat (ideal for chilling in for a prolonged period, and perfect for finishing a book in one sitting!)

(I have linked my dream reading nook here too, how gorgeous is @hotcocoareads ‘s windowsill reading nook!)


2. Set the mood with lighting

Lighting can make or break your reading experience, so using the right lighting to set the mood for your cosy book nook is another essential.

During the day, a nearby window with a view can provide beautiful natural light (and also lots of vitamin D to promote a sunny mood – great for reading!). However, if you’re not able to create a sun-adjacent nook, or if you prefer to read at night, a cosy reading lamp or string lights can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the evening.

Pro tip: A reading light is great for functionality but can be quite harsh when used on its own. So, I personally love (and have recommended this to every reader I know!) to pair a reading lamp with a mood light to soften its appearance and create a more serene space.

My favourite mood light is the Halo Lamp by Lumie, which has a touch slider to choose the perfect brightness and is great for improving your mood!


3. Get Cosy

So, now that you have the basics sorted, the lighting and the snug base for your reading nook, it’s time to add some textiles and get cosy! Choose Soft pillows that match your décor or add a pop of bright colour, have cosy socks or slippers on standby to beat cold toes, and get a soft blanket to snuggle up under that all but consumes you the moment you take a seat ( I’ve also learnt from past experiences that blankets are a great way of protecting your chair from any coffee spills – oops!).

For the ultimate relaxing haven, I recommend our super snuggly Personalised Reading Blanket! 


4. Add Some Book Storage

If you love to get lost browsing your collection of books, don’t forget to add some book storage into your book nook to give it more of a cosy library feel! This way, when your attention drifts from your current book, you’ll always have something lovely to gaze at (or, you’ll be reminded of how big your to be read list is!).

If your book nook is a cosy corner, you could add a small basket for your current reeds or a shelf, or, if you have a wall which is looking a bit too empty, why not invest in a bookcase? My current bookcase is this BILLY Bookcase from Ikea (although it’s starting to overflow a little now!) 

Most recently, I’ve been seeing more book carts on Bookstagram and Booktok, and honestly, I’m loving them! How gorgeous is @toreadistovoyage’s bookcart?!


5. Don’t Forget a Side Table

What might even be more important than your book storage is a side table, for lots and lots of coffee of course, so don’t make the book nook rookie (that’s a tongue twister and a half!) mistake of forgetting to add a flat surface to your nook! I’m definitely a firm believer that unwinding with a good book is great but unwinding with a good book and a cup of coffee is even better!  

How cute is this blush pink side table from Noa & Nani?! 


6. The Finishing Touches

Before you disappear and sink into your cosy new book nook, you’ll want to add a few finishing touches to bring your dream nook to life and things which make you feel calm and relaxed.

If you feel the most relaxed surrounded by plants, create your own jungle of house plants. Maybe even add some cool prints, a mood boosting diffuser or your favourite scented candles (how awesome is this Enchanted Library candle from YRcandles!) .

And don’t forget to add a space for your four legged bestie!


Still need some more inspo? Here are some of my favourite cosy book nooks from Bookstagram:



 We want to see your book nook! So share them with us on Instagram using the hashtag #SolesmithBookNook or by tagging us!
Happy World Book Day!




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