New Mum Life - Designing our first Mother's Day range

New Mum Life - Designing our first Mother's Day range

So what does a new Mum want for her first Mother's Day? 

This Mother's Day we thought we'd give a little insight into the team and inspiration behind our designs and collections.

Our founder Lauren is a new Mum and she shares some of her favourite things from her first 8 months of Mummyhood, a bit of background into why she designed some of our new collection and just some of her favourite things that she thinks her fellow new Mums will love too!   

Being a Mummy to a little almost 8 month old little boy is amazing. I love it so, so (so!) much.

Here we are with Ali and the Solesmith puppy as he helps us out on a photoshoot

I mean it’s not all giggles on a cloud of course, but to be honest, there is even something weirdly nice about the waking up in the middle of the night – It’s the extra cuddle, I know it is!

Now I didn't expect to not mind interrupted sleep, and another unexpected thing that has come from giving birth to a mini human is how amazing the other new mums that I’ve met and made friends with are.

I've met some of the loveliest people, from our ‘how to have a baby’ lessons (aka NCT classes), to singing with all the facial expressions at Baby Sensory (Not quite sure how I’ve retained friends from this group – my singing will normally clear a room), baby yoga (you have to right!?) and generally just chatting to people in coffee shops which isn’t at all weird if you have a baby who will smile at anyone (the little flirt!).

So thank goodness for these friends, our whatsapp groups and middle of the night chats.

Having these amazing new people who know exactly what you are going through makes Mummying so much easier. I mean they find it perfectly acceptable for you to text a photo of poo to ask if it’s normal, they make lactation cookies for play dates and don’t care when you’re an hour late for a coffee because of a poonami incident (and yep they teach you so much - like the word poonami) 

For our first Mummy night out (god were we all excited!!) we realised that we knew so many intimate details about each others boobactivities and not necessarily what jobs we had, ages or even each others surnames.

So this year especially it felt right that we have a really special collection of personalised First Mother’s Day gifts. 

So I thought I'd share a few explanations as exactly what inspired some of my favourite products in our 'First Mother's Day' collection. 


It is apparently perfectly normal to take 7,500* photos of your baby everyday. I have been very restrained from adding photos to Facebook but with family in South Africa we have a ‘Baby Appreciation Society’ Whatsapp group where I share a photo every other day or so. Scaled down slightly after my Dad told me he really liked it but did I know the baby looked the same on every one…  he's wrong but I got the hint!

(* 7,500 maybe a slight exaggeration but genuinely not by much!)

So with so many photos stored on a new mum’s iphone we want to release them!

So we’ve gone a bit quirky with our range of Mummy photo socks. My personal favourite are these Super Mum ones because you know you get very few photos of you with the baby so I’m just engineering it with these.



And because new Mum’s just cannot get over their baby’s face – these are just going to be cute from every angle!



Then we've gone a bit soppy with more traditional photo frames where you can trap your favourite snaps alongside things like the baby band from the hospital (trust me I need mine trapped, I’ve almost cried three times thinking I’d lost it!)



And then not sure these really need an explanation…




And because I don’t think you can get through life if you can’t laugh when you’ve been pooped on, tried for 157 minutes to get your baby not to just throw his food on the floor and let’s be really honest in those early days when your baby tries to sit up and just as you think he’s got it, he headbutts the ground in the tiny gap in the protective circle of cushions….





We’d love to hear about the memories of your first year of being a new parent. Am I alone in dreading the end of the 3am wake ups? 

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